Tuesday, May 7, 2013

An open letter to the medical community regarding breastfeeding, insurance coverage, and our country's public health issues.

To the medical community that supports moms and babies:

As an Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) and owner of Breastfeeding and Babies, Yeah!, www.breastfeedinglv.com ,  I have decided to take this time to write an open letter to all in the medical community to make sure that all physicians are aware that under the new AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (ACA) almost all moms who have private insurance have Lactation Consultation Coverage at 100% coverage with no deductible and no copay. All Medicaid moms qualify for WIC and are able to receive assistance from an IBCLC at many local WIC offices throughout the city. 

Breastfeeding, unlike formula feeding, is a process that is best handled through PREVENTATIVE CARE. 

Lactation challenges are best handled by a trained professional who is board certified. This is part of the reason Lactation Consultation, by an IBCLC, is covered by insurance, and IBCLCs are now contracted providers under the ACA.

Breastfeeding unlike formula feeding is time sensitive based on hormones produced at birth. Best outcomes, with mom’s who desire to breastfeed, are most often seen when small challenges are recognized either prenatally, while still in hospital on postpartum, or within the first few days of a mom noticing supply changes or latching challenges.

I would like to personally encourage any and all physicians to refer all families that desire to breastfeed, are being asked to supplement, or have identified fertility issues or a history of lactation challenges directly to their insurance or to the local breastfeeding coalition’s list for a referral to a local IBCLC for proper preventative lactation care. 

All moms who are being asked to supplement should also be pumping postfeed, most often with a hospital grade pump for adequate stimulation and emptying of the breast. Resources for pump rentals are also noted on this often noted on this resource list as well.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your local breastfeeding coalition or your local La Leche League leader. If we all work together than we can all together assist families reach their personal breastfeeding goals and follow the AAP guidelines of breastfeeding of infants for the first six months of life.